Feb 242021

Checklist for Parents in Need of a Preschool in Singapore

Checklist for Parents in Need of a Preschool in Singapore

Preschool, even if your child is only going to play, is a foundation that will determine if your child will enjoy school or not. Your child’s experience in preschool will shape his attitude towards school, especially kindergarten. Education in Singapore is quite competitive, and parents with children who hate school have a harder time getting them to show interest in their school work. Having a checklist will help ensure you choose the right preschool curriculum to create optimism towards school in your child.  For more information on preschool programmes in Singapore, view this page: https://bridgingthegap.com.sg/playgroup/.

In the following article, Rachel Lim discusses some of the vital items you shouldn’t miss in your checklist. 

Items often overlooked when choosing a preschool.


“How can you ensure that you’ve made the best school choice for your child? Here’s a checklist to help you as you do your research.

Preschool Checklist

What is their academic approach?

Verify the preschools’ claims regarding their programmes, academic approaches and philosophy by visiting their premises and looking at their materials. For example, a Montessori preschool should be equipped with Montessori toys and teaching tools.” Read more here  

When searching for a preschool, most parents have a list of things they expect, such as a safe environment, responsible staff, adequate space for play, and an ideal academic curriculum. Some even have a list of deal-breakers. However, many parents overlook factors such as religious affiliation of the preschool. Others forget to ask around to find out what other parents or even the neighbours have to say about the school. 

Melissa Tan, in the next article, discusses important considerations when choosing a preschool. 

Why parental instincts matter when choosing a preschool

“So, it’s time for your peewee to take his first step into formal education ― preschool!

new bill was passed in parliament in February this year mandating that all preschools will have to renew their licences within three years, to ensure that they maintain their standards.

And whether your child is 12 months old or 36 months old, we are sure that you, as a parent, would like to have assurance that you pick the right preschool for your child.” Read more here  

Let’s face it, all parents have a list of things they expect from their child’s preschool. It could be the ideal location, budget, teacher-children ratio, operating hours, and curriculum. However, a parent’s instinct will tell which preschool is the most ideal. Funny enough, a parent’s instinct may push one to choose a playgroup Singapore that may not have all the ideal features because she feels her child will be happier in one preschool over another. 

In the next article, Meiling Wong discusses the various preschool programs in Singapore. 

Selecting a preschool program for your child


“Ok, so your little one is now ready for school. Before you enrol him/her in any school, you have to decide what type of informal education you want your child to have before he/she enters primary school (formal education). Then you have to decide on your budget, proximity to home/work and the chemistry match between the school and your child. Other considerations like whether your child will enter the local school system or be enrolled in the international schools also factor in” Read more here  

A few years back, parents only had to choose whether they preferred a secular or religious-based preschool, or one that offered English or mandarin programs. However, since preschools became more competitive, preschool programs helped distinguish one preschool from the next. This is especially so for preschools that offer more than playgroup Singapore. Some offer programs, such as Montessori, Reggio Emilia, high scope curriculum, Waldorf Steiner, and research-based learning.  

Parents have much to consider when choosing a preschool for their children. Having a checklist of all the requirements will help make the search easier. Having a list of deal breakers is also essential because it will help you determine which preschools are not ideal for your child. It is also important for you to appreciate each preschool program’s unique traits to help you determine the most suitable for your child.